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Comments (Concave Earth Theory)

Page 17

2015/11/26 at 8:46 pm
    Joshua Alvarez

I notice you mentioned Plato as believing in a concave earth, however the website with his quote also has him saying, “Well, then, he said, my conviction is that the earth is a round body in the center of the heavens…” Would that just make him a geocentrist?

2015/11/29 at 11:11 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Joshua Alvarez.
Yeah, it isn’t an absolute clear-cut fact because different sources say different things. He existed so long ago, that I wouldn’t put too much weight on evidence either way. It is the same with Newton. I smell shenanigans though with both.

2015/11/30 at 9:51 am

The mapparium just allows the entire globe to be viewed at once. It is not necessary to view the continents’ locations accurately.
And Game of Thrones is set in a purely fantasy planet.
None of your other points on here are worth explaining, but it’s pretty obvious that the maps can be projected to a convex globe as well.

2015/12/10 at 5:12 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to BlueMoon.
The mapparium just allows the entire globe to be viewed at once. It is not necessary to view the continents’ locations accurately.

Correct, it isn’t necessary; but it does.

2015/12/10 at 11:09 pm

How would you prove concave earth, if there would be no Sun, only Moon. Moonlight does not bend.

2015/12/13 at 2:32 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to SPACE.
Hi Space, long time no hear.

We don’t know, Space, if moonlight bends or not as we haven’t tested it. Could it be tested like the bendy light experiment, but at night with no light-bulbs at the sighting board? The moon would have to be very bright. Would it be bright enough? I’m not sure. Interesting experiment if it could be done. I assume it bends like sunlight or the light-bulbs or any other non-coherent diffuse light, but less, because it is night time.

2015/12/15 at 10:32 am
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Hi WH,

Did you noticed, that when moon sets, it not changes color. Sun when sets, becomes orange, red, various colors, atmospheric effects, bending light, horizon effect.
Moonlight seems not affect atmosphere. Need to check somewhere by seashore, disappearing ship effect. Of course, must be full moon. Some photo cameras can make photos at night.

2015/12/15 at 3:35 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
All that we see is within our body/soul. We are exploring our self/God.

This is why the chakra or kundalini system in the human body is actually the solar system. There are 7 chakras. Though some believe there are 9 chakras or even more. Just as some believe there are 7 planets while others believe there to be 9 or more. The ultimate chakra is the golden crown chakra at the top of the head – represented by the sun. This is the higher self or soul and connection to spirit or God. Just as the sun is thought to be a direct link to the One Creator.

This is represented somewhat in an “Outer Limits” show, where the camera is shown looking into space. As the camera zooms out it slowly comes out of a face of a man. The universe can then be seen within the head of this man. The final message of the story was that each individual is the master of his reality, through his thoughts – to an extent.

2015/12/18 at 5:04 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to SPACE.
Great observation. Never thought of that! I’d like to check that myself. It has to be because at night light bends the least, hence the lack of distortion which they say is down to atmospheric refraction, but must really be down to the electric effect on the bend of light. Otherwise the moon would show the same distortion as the Sun on the horizon, but doesn’t.

You’ve got something there.

2015/12/18 at 8:31 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
You’re missing the point. The maps apply equally well whether the earth is convex or concave, as long as it is spherical, so it doesn’t qualify as proof either way.

2015/12/20 at 8:41 pm
    Chandra Devi

The moon is the back of the sun. It appears convex as the back of a mask appears convex despite it being concave. The earth is concave and along with the glass sky throws out so many possibilities it is hard for mere men to study and understand. But the moon is not there. Yet it is there because the sun and moon come together. They are created together because they are two sides of the same coin. The bible says earth is created then sun and moon. Krishna says in Vedas he is sun and moon. Together. They always go hand in hand. You can see stars through the illusion of course. It can appear that the clouds go in front of the moon even but if you go above those clouds you will see the moon still the same distance from you. It is thus like a rainbow which depends on the subjective. It is not a rock. It is not created by people other than the original person who everyone seems to have forgotten about. Your work is good.

2015/12/20 at 9:14 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Chandra Devi.
Thanks Chandra. It is interesting to explore alternative ideas. I think a lot of us are at the testing phase now. The debate was very 2013. It is nearly 2016 which will be the year of reality and the end of marketing. A lot of tests will be carried out over the next few years. The more the merrier.

When/if proven that the earth is concave, well, bye bye space marketing and a lot of other things sold to us as true.

2015/12/21 at 2:11 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to BlueMoon.
I get you now.

2015/12/21 at 2:20 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Chandra can you tell us the source of your information? Is this something your heard about? read? or just came up with it on your own?

Hey Wild 🙂 I was looking at the moon the other day and I had an interesting thought. If the heavens are a ball of perfectly clear water about 7000 miles in diameter over our heads and the Sun is revolving around it, then the moon could very well be the reflection of the Sun filtered through what is effectively a Crystal Ball. The massive pressures of a thousand miles deep of water could account for sonoluminescence or stars could simply be pockets of reflective material suspended in the relatively still waters of the great crystal ball, that are lit by the, always on, light bulb Sun of ours.

Some study into the optical properties of Crystal Balls might be in order. Especially if the angle of view creates the moon phases effect and especially an eclipse effect. Now for this to work it would mean that one side of the Sun always faces down so the backside would always be shining straight into the crystal clear heavenly waters. A ‘balanced’ ball could do this. Then relative geographic positioning would give the effect of a monthly cycle, eclipses, etc.

So the moon would be an actual object as I have always suspected, its just that its the Sun… (is a perfect irony at least lol)

When I observe the Sun through a telescope with a Sun filter the ‘plasma’ of the light bulb blocks the surface except for the black spots which if you place a spotlight at a camera you will see everything behind the spotlight it looks black anyway (not that the moon is known for being colorful). Could it be that when filtered through thousands of miles of a ball of crystal clear water we would get the anomalous moonlight glow but have enough light filtered as to be able to see the bulb’s (sun) and filament (moon) itself?

Also monthly latitude shifts of the Sun could cause the Lunar ‘cycle’ effect maybe? Or perhaps the Suns distance to the crystal ball changing its focal point? Meaning the Sun would bob up and down a bit each month in relative distance to the crystal ball changing the focal length and causing a phase effect.

A quick study into the optics of Crystal Balls should prove or disprove this pretty easy. Focal point of observer I think would be a very critical factor in the Eclipse effect. But if you can get a moon ‘phases’ effect with a ball of light through a crystal ball at the proper focal points that would be very noteworthy.

We have to keep in mind the relatively MASSIVE size of the crystal ball and what effect that would have to the observer on the ground. This would explain why often the Sun and moon are seen in the sky at the same time as well.

Perhaps something about the magnetic fields could explain why there would be water ‘polarized’ in such a manner so that some accumulates in the center and the rest is pushed to the edge creating a neutral zone of gravity big enough to drive a Sun through. Could it be that like magnets have north and south that gravity also has north and south?

And on the atomic level…
Maybe neutrons are neutral because they don’t really exist per se but the ‘reflection’ made by a proton through a crystal ball in the center of every atom does exist and therefore must possess independent properties like light reflected off a filtered mirror. Is this why protons and neutrons are always equal in atoms? One is just the reflection of the other? Time being relatively much faster in smaller particles by reason of common sense, the number of protons and neutrons we think are in there could just be relative to the size and mass of the cave, sun, and crystal ball of which it is made, and that actually all atoms have 1 sun and 1 crystal ball and 1 hard metallic shell, all of varying sizes and shell properties. When they smash atoms together and destroy worlds at the Hadron Collider the pieces they think are this or that are just fragments of the electron shell that they think is tiny when it is actually a large crust containing a Sun and a Crystal ball that has been smashed to pieces in a violent fire of electrical discharge.

Even the slightest chance of this being true is worth stopping all the smashing of atoms until we KNOW we aren’t destroying worlds as that would be very very very bad karma for us all.

And some people think the concave Earth is a crazy idea hahaha
I give you… Atom Worlds.

Anyways keep it up brother the site is looking real good 🙂

2015/12/21 at 10:26 pm

Fascinating. First time I have seen / noticed the concave lat / longitude markings. Unmistakable once pointed out. Huh.

2015/12/29 at 9:00 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to R.E..
I know. What is more startling is that a whole massive chunk of history has been wiped out over this time period. Only the maps remain. At least one group wants to keep us in the dark. It’s fun speculating and throwing conspiracy theories out there as to who, but I’m not bothered at the moment who the dark forces are, just that I recognize that they exist and to find out a little more of the truth.

2015/12/30 at 2:16 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
To be fair I guess: a skeptic would say that it’s not a concave earth model as much as a flattened sphere effect which the cartographers sketched. That is, a sphere whether concave or convex experiences distortion and this is an acknowledgement of that. For example, if you sketched a grip on an intact orange peel then flattened it against a counter – the grid lines would distort.

Me I tend toward believing that Earth is a penal colony for rebellious souls.

2015/12/30 at 3:31 pm
In reply to R.E..
make that “sketched a grid…”

2015/12/30 at 3:32 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to R.E..
To be fair I guess: a skeptic would say that it’s not a concave earth model as much as a flattened sphere effect which the cartographers sketched. That is, a sphere whether concave or convex experiences distortion and this is an acknowledgement of that. For example, if you sketched a grip on an intact orange peel then flattened it against a counter – the grid lines would distort.

Absolutely. But they put the lines the opposite way than history said they should have.

Me I tend toward believing that Earth is a penal colony for rebellious souls.

Certainly we would fit that description lol 🙂

2015/12/30 at 4:36 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Bob.
I’m interested in the micro, but haven’t looked looked much into it as of yet.

The site could be a lot better with additions and revisions to the early stuff and adding the night sky in depth, but like Steve, I will concentrate on testing this year. It’s time.

2015/12/30 at 4:43 pm
In reply to Chandra Devi.
Then how is it I see them both in the sky today..hmm looks like two different objects to me.

2016/01/04 at 8:50 pm
    Donald Sarty
In reply to SPACE.
I have seen the moon with a brown hue at moon rise and almost twice the size also when it rises, like it is being magnified, interesting stuff
Time lapse Moon rising
Time lapse Moon setting

2016/01/05 at 5:26 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Donald Sarty.
Moon disappeared today Don, this morning. It just fades out. I’m going to capture it tomorrow morning on camera. I never thought to film it this morning.

2016/01/06 at 9:17 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to B2.
The theory behind the moon being the back of the Sun is that light bends by different amounts in a concave earth hence you can see both the moon and the sun at the same time sometimes. I’m going to draw a diagram I think to show this.

2016/01/06 at 9:19 am
    Chris C
In reply to Chandra Devi.
Nice try genius but for a good part of the month you can actually see the moon in the sky during the day. This means the moon and Sun at the same time as two separate bodies in different parts of the sky.

2016/01/14 at 3:28 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Chris C.
Yes, we know all this. 🙂 Keep following the discussions.

This means the moon and Sun at the same time as two separate bodies in different parts of the sky.

No, it doesn’t because light bends in the cavity at different rates at different times during the day and night. Hence when the observations of the moon are complete this year, I’ll take the proposition that the moon and sun are the same thing and see how the model works. I already know how it works for tonight’s and last night’s showing.

Nobody knows for sure, it’s only an idea.

Tonight, the moon (at just after 6pm) is following the path of the Sun at the equinoxes (very, very roughly). The moon is just behind where I saw the sun today but about twice as high up off the ground.

2016/01/14 at 6:24 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
if I get a clear sky id love to help observe in Ohio for you… just not sure how you are conducting experiment? some people just cant see how the CONCAVE model works… but once you see it YOU GET IT!!!!

2016/01/14 at 8:58 pm
    Wise One
In reply to Wild Heretic.
I think you are going to find that the sun and moon are one and the same, just different effects. What I can’t figure out is which one is creating the other one or if they are both created by something else altogether. Did you ever see the video Crrow777 posted showing the anomaly on the moon within the same 24 hours there was a sun flare on the sun in the exact spot? I’ll see if I can find both videos…

2016/01/16 at 1:09 am
    Wise One
In reply to Wise One.
Here’s the video.

2016/01/16 at 1:18 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Wise One.
Thanks for that. it’s great videoing the moon yourself. I’ve found it becomes a lot easier to visualize how it would look in a certain model. The moon I have been recording looks just like the video above except his camera looks to have a much higher exposure in low light. I can’t see stars in my mini sensor high zoom bridge camera. My take on that light point at the edge of the moon is just that it is part of the of the moon being lit up by the sun. It’s really a continuation from the crescent even though there is a non-lit part before it to the lit crescent part.

When I videoed the moon a a few days ago during the end of its last quarter phase, for two or three days in a row there was always a “star” at the same distance from the moon to the right. It followed the moon around. The star was still visible when the moon disappeared when the Sun came up. I’m guessing this “star” was Venus.

2016/01/17 at 2:13 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Wise One.
I’ve had a bit of a breakthrough regarding the moon and how it reflects light in terms of the moon being reflected light from the back of the Sun. I was mapping out the reflected beams in my head to what I have been seeing in the sky the last week or so. I have found that the bend of the light rays match the same as the bend of the Sun’s rays except that these moon rays (reflected sun rays) are revolving around the Sun itself, NOT the Earth cavity. It also explains the phases perfectly.

The only thing I know to immediately revolve around the Sun is the Sun’s plasmasphere. So I looked up its revolution time and lo and behold sunspot rotation was first discovered in the 19th century to take 27.28 days.

Guess how fast the moon is said to take one revolution around the Earth? 27.3 days –

Here is another:
“As any amateur who has studied sunspots drift slowly across the sun from day to day though special filters would know, the Sun’s rotation period is about 27 days.” –

I know sunspot rotation is supposed to be between 25 and 35 days from equator to pole, but actual observed times seem to be about 27 days.

That is 90% of the moon puzzle solved right there. Just the moon and sun eclipses to go.

2016/01/17 at 3:21 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to JMAC1978.
Exactly. Once you get it, there is no going back. I’ve figured out the moon path and phases as well. It’s reflected sunlight being pushed around by the Sun’s plasmasphere. Sunlight during the day isn’t pushed around the plasmasphere because it is the main direct light and is far too strong. A small portion of the Sun’s light is pushed around however, and this is reflected off both the front and back of the Sun which forms the “moon” and its paths and phases. A new moon is invisible because the reflection is once again inline with the daylight Sun (front of the Sun). Get it? I felt good after finally getting it. I could have only done it by observing the moon in the sky and then predicting where and when it it was going to show up next. I feel I am 100% right on this.

So if nothing else good came about from getting that x60 zoom bridge camera, then the money was very well spent. I couldn’t figure out the moon looking at it on paper.

2016/01/17 at 3:38 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Wise One.
No, I think I missed that video. Do you have a link?

2016/01/17 at 3:44 pm

WH any way we can get a drawing of how you envision this? I’m with you on thinking the Moon could be the reflected sunlight. but I have so many people needing to see it.. I figure once you feel comfortable with your findings you will share your secret with the world… great work again as always…

2016/01/19 at 8:38 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to JMAC1978.
It is very early days yet Mac. The moon was extremely high last night. I am thinking it was having to do with direction of the plasmasphere rotation. Anyway, there is a small hiccup and that is I had envisaged the moon reflection rotation around the Sun to be going clockwise, but the sunspots (plasmasphere) travel anti-clockwise in the same direction as the Sun travels in the cavity. Otherwise it fits too well. I’ll keep observing the moon and thinking about it.

I hope to get a fully mapped out path of the moon and cause like I did for the Sun, but that won’t be ready for at least a year I’d say, probably longer… if it all works out of course.

EDIT: The moon reflection around the Sun must move clockwise to agree with what I am seeing so far. I wonder if there is a counter current to the sunspot rotation that causes it? I know that electrons (negative current) moves in the opposite direction to positive current in (or is that around?) a wire. If we look at standard electricity generation here:

then we can easily apply that to the Sun. The magnetic south is the geographic north pole in the earth cavity. The Sun (metal wire) in my model does move a bit perpendicular to the magnetic cavity current. The Sun moves slightly out from equinox to solstice and in towards the center from solstice to equinox (perpendicular direction). This would create a positive current moving clockwise around the Sun, whereas the electrons would move anti-clockwise. So, sunspot rotation would be caused by electron diffusion to the West (anti-clockwise), and the moon reflection rotation is caused by positive current flow to the East (clockwise).

That would work.

2016/01/20 at 10:09 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to JMAC1978.
I could do one without vertical inclination, but it will take too long to do and it is still in the idea stage so I won’t do it yet. Just picture the reflection from the back of the Sun (left side in this diagram), detach it from the line going through the center and move the reflection around clockwise. Full moon is how the diagram stands now. New moon is the fully detached reflection having rotated 180 degrees so that it is inline with the daylight side and so on.

2016/01/20 at 11:27 am
In reply to Wild Heretic.
love the work brother. I was able to see the moon last night too. like you said its path was higher than the night before. i will be watching this year with you.. anything i notice i will be sure to pass along..

2016/01/20 at 3:06 pm

A very good, rational article, which I did read with pleasure.
The only missing part is the behaviour of the Aether in the Atmosphere, directly over the ground and the corresponding behaviour of Light in this Aether.
It is very difficult to find a fixed point of reference in Nature.

2016/02/04 at 3:36 pm

” Neither quantitative nor qualitative researchers ever discerned an “aether drift” correlated to the (supposed) rotations of the “earth in space”. Quantitative science took this supposition as proof that no motional reference exists.”

This isn’t correct.
Aether Drift has been detected and this, many times.
Even Relativists trying to prove Time Dilation, did in fact only bring the evidence for Aether Drift.

2016/02/04 at 6:17 pm

Ok. WH. More than 24hs to pass a comment?!
Go bless yourself.

2016/02/05 at 10:22 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Atlas.
Interesting. Any links? Could prove useful.

2016/02/09 at 7:49 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Atlas.
That is a bit much for me at this moment in time, although I have had an idea or two.

I’ll tell you the idea now. I think matter is an alternating magnetic field (Gerlach experiment). Therefore, EM waves are constantly being emitted (as EM waves are being produced by alternating magnetic fields – see radio waves). I think this interpretation is foundational. Now when I spin my spoon in my coffee in the morning I produce one large vortex. When I spin it the other way (which I always do when stirring food and drink for some reason), I notice one or two or more very small vortices are formed which spin out away from the center of the liquid until they dissolve. I think these vortices are EM waves in the “aether” which are being produced all the time. It is easy to see how these are produced. When the direction of the large magnetic vortex is reversed it creates a counter flow inside the large vortex, with the original vortex flowing the other way, so little vortices are created and spin out. You will also notice turbulence in the counter spinning. This I believe is friction and creates heat. There are probably other ways to create these EM vortices without the constant counter-spinning which creates the heat side effect. I have a few ideas there too, but I will leave those to myself.

I would be sorely tempted to use this foundation to build up matter, its properties and bonding; maybe search out other experiments which also point to this… or not.


2016/02/09 at 8:12 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Jesus reading these comments gives me a headache, you guys are all a bunch of brainless idiots, it is not hard to see what the moon is, looking at it with any telescope you can clearly see it is a rock. What about the planets and their moons I can watch orbit them? I am curious as to what you think those are?

2016/02/13 at 11:15 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Justin.
Visit the forum.

2016/02/17 at 10:43 am
In reply to Justin.
Justin = lost

2016/02/17 at 3:55 pm

What if the Sun comes few 100 kilometers closer to the earth during spring/summer seasons? I think that is the reason for fast increase in heat during these seasons while in winter season sun is further away causing colder temperatures. So starting at spring equinox sun begins to come closer to earth while at fall equinox, sun begins to go further away. Suns coming close will also heat up the glass sky.

2016/03/27 at 7:05 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to trigun4.
In my theory that doesn’t happen, but it is only a theory.