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Comments (Concave Earth Theory)

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2014/02/19 at 12:36 pm

All this concave-earth-stuff can really get into your head… 😉

Let’s do some thinking (I know this may be a bit OT, but you people here seem to be the only ones I can seriously talk to about these things, so please bear with me).

If we actually do live inside a concave earth (and I tend into that direction, not having made all my homework yet), then chances are also 99,99 % that the world and all living things were “deliberately put” in here (BTW, that corresponds with more and more doubt concerning the theory of evolution, at least as it is believed to work today, but I don’t want to open another box yet). Whoever or whatever made all this effort, to construct a sphere, the inner surface, all the physics also, in my opinion is NOT to be expected to just have the possibility built in that at some point the “inmates” (that’s us, of course) may destroy every and every last bit of thing that was built with so much diligence, time and effort.

I’m normally no religious guy, and I certainly don’t want to become another “Lord Ice Cold Sun”, I hope you believe me ;-). What I do want to discuss is this: If these assumptions of mine are correct, why worry about the world (as a whole) at all? Maybe there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Maybe all this carefully placed and ad infinitum rehearsed fear-mongering of climate change, radiation, environmental waste, nuclear bomb arsenals, BSE, SARS, swine-flu, economic meltdown, NSA-I-read-you-all (the list could go on and on and on and on, and why not include e.g. chemtrails as well) is actually nothing BUT fear-mongering in order to control the masses, to make them feel tiny, inconsequential and helpless.

I mean it: Does anyone know anybody IN PERSON who was a victim of a terrorist attack? Who became a victim of Chernobyl or Fukushima? Who died from the swine-flu? Or suffered any losses from a rising sea level? Who seriously wanted to work but wasn’t able to find anything for years? Who was caught by the police and thrown in jail because he was downloading some illegal files? Come on.

I think it’s all about control and intimidation, or better put: Control through intimidation. TPTB don’t need to be powerful at all – as long as everybody believes they are. I think they are tiny dots on this vast surface of the earth – just like everybody else. Bound on this earth – just like everybody else. Prone to failure, miscalculation and vanity – just like everybody else.

They may be able to silence certain (naive) individuals – as some scoundrels in the city of London in the 16th century were capable of as well. They may be able to fool some people for some time – but definitely not all the people all the time. – I think it has already begun, and they feel it.

What do you think?

2014/02/28 at 7:01 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Icecoldsun.
I’m normally no religious guy, and I certainly don’t want to become another “Lord Ice Cold Sun”, I hope you believe me ;-). What I do want to discuss is this: If these assumptions of mine are correct, why worry about the world (as a whole) at all? Maybe there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Maybe all this carefully placed and ad infinitum rehearsed fear-mongering of climate change, radiation, environmental waste, nuclear bomb arsenals, BSE, SARS, swine-flu, economic meltdown, NSA-I-read-you-all (the list could go on and on and on and on, and why not include e.g. chemtrails as well) is actually nothing BUT fearmongering in order to control the masses, to make them feel tiny, inconsequential and helpless.

I mean it: Does anyone know anybody IN PERSON who was a victim of a terrorist attack? Who became a victim of Chernobyl or Fukushima? Who died from the swine-flu? Or suffered any losses from a rising sea level? Who seriously wanted to work but wasn’t able to find anything for years? Who was caught by the police and thrown in jail because he was downloading some illegal files? Come on.

I think it’s all about control and intimidation, or better put: Control through intimidation. TPTB don’t need to be powerful at all – as long as everybody believes they are. I think they are tiny dots on this vast surface of the earth – just like everybody else. Bound on this earth – just like everybody else. Prone to failure, miscalculation and vanity – just like everybody else.

Yes, those thoughts had crossed my mind. The Wizard of OZ springs to mind. Maybe we don’t need the vampire squid at all; but they need us.

It is an interesting topic which delves into where we come from and if the Sun is artificial, how “natural” is this world at all? I’ve discovered 2 possibilities after studying the path of the Sun. Either we are likely living inside a giant machine or magnetic fields naturally rotate inside a cavity. I’m actually going with the latter, but the first is just as much a possibility.

They may be able to silence certain (naive) individuals – as some scoundrels in the city of London in the 16th century were capable of as well. They may be able to fool some people for some time – but definitely not all the people all the time. – I think it has already begun, and they feel it.

Oh yes. I love the term the internet reformation from The information is out there now and just requires us to engage our brains to try and piece a bit of it together. Cluesforum is a good one for being skeptical of the official line. It seems entire news is fabricated from time-to-time. I believe everyone is sold to because we are busy busy busy and have no time to think (which requires effort) and need to relax when we are not busy. It is this relaxation time where all the “programming” occurs (movies and TV).

2014/03/07 at 12:52 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Thank you for your thoughts. CF is definitely an interesting site. The works of Steve Corbett, Stefan Molyneux, Jeff Berwick and Tom Passio are also great sources for “the alternative view-point”. With AJ, I have my doubts.

You’re right, it is essential that people have to struggle and work hard for their money so they won’t have the energy to take anything into doubt, come up with something original. This would mean “red alert” for TPTB, so they drown us with information, petty entertainment, senseless “education”, nurture our fears and keep us divided, turning against each other, forever… Well, they wish… 😉

2014/03/07 at 7:32 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Icecoldsun.

But in fairness to established knowledge and fringe stuff, I often don’t see it as an either/or. The alternative view is frequently just another perspective.

IMO where the establishment goes wrong is assuming the experts in the other fields are right and therefore the data from their own experiments are wrong etc. So they try and use complex math to explain the data instead of taking it as it is. Next thing we get assumptions based on assumptions based on assumptions. A case in point is the Rutherford/Bohr “orbiting” electrons. It sounds like they totally bought the “Earth around the Sun” theory and so used the much applauded maxim “So above as below” and applied heliocentric theory to the atom. It later didn’t work experimentally. Here is a good link to someone who likely is very much on the money (from a certain perspective of course and it is only a slither of the total information needed).

Here’s another example relating to dinosaurs:

2014/03/11 at 7:49 pm

Hi there again, just wanted to ask if it wouldn’t be possible to change those avatars, its really a pity looking at these. Why do they look this ugly dumb way anyway??? Please change this, its like mocking the posters here…

Having said that, a big thanks to you for your invaluable work, I impatiently look forward to your next article, will maybe translate your site into German if you allow 🙂

Btw, how would you explain the huge meteor craters with up to 90 km in diameter? Do you maybe know which size the meteor would have had to measure then accordingly? Thanks!

2014/03/23 at 12:04 pm
In reply to Mo.
Sorry craters are even up to 300 km
They say they estimate the size to have been about 5-10 km, but wouldn’t this be calculated assuming the asteroid coming from a much larger distance, hence a higher velocity than in the concave earth model? Thus it would have to be (much?) larger in your model?
Also, you say these are like chunks of the sun, but how, and why do they break apart? And wouldn’t they have to leave huge holes in the glass sky?

Last questions: Megacryometeors: Why do they fall in the first place? How do they break apart from the glass/ice layer? And why don`t you find glass coming down along with the ice meteors?
LSC assumes that they are spraying chemtrails in order to prevent the ice from melting, but if you look into it, global temperatures are falling, so it does not make much sense to me. Also the surface of the trails is imho not large enough to make any impact on that, mostly you see only a few trails, wouldn’t 99,9999 % of heat just pass by, even assuming they would have certain chemical abilities in order to bind heat?
What is your take on that?

2014/03/23 at 12:30 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Mo.
This isn’t a reply to you MO, just the info on wiki in general, in case you think I’m being too abrupt.

Keywords in bold.

“The asteroid that hit Vredefort is estimated to have been one of the largest ever to strike Earth (at least since the Hadean Eon some four billion years ago), thought to have been approximately 5–10 km (3.1–6.2 mi) in diameter. The bolide that created the Sudbury Basin could have been even larger.[3]”

Gosh, 4 billion years. That sure sounds like verified to me.

“The crater’s age is estimated to be 2023 million years (± 4 million years)”

lol, of course 2 billion years old.

“The dome in the center of the crater was originally thought to have been formed by a volcanic explosion, but in the mid-1990s, evidence revealed it was the site of a huge bolide impact, as telltale shatter cones were discovered in the bed of the nearby Vaal River.”

It’s an opinion change. Gosh, there are some shatter cones nearby. Can’t be a volcano then. [sarcasm]Definitely verified. [/sarcasm]

“The crater site is one of the few multiple-ringed impact craters on Earth, although they are more common elsewhere in the Solar System“

Do you need me to reply to this?

Let’s have a little look at shatter cones –

“Shatter cones are rare geological features that are only known to form in the bedrock beneath meteorite impact craters or underground nuclear explosions.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. We don’t even know if nuclear weapons exist let alone that anyone but the military can verify rock after underground nuclear explosions.

“They are evidence that the rock has been subjected to a shock with pressures in the range of 2-30 GPa.”

[sarcasm]A volcano doesn’t exhibit strong pressures at all. [/sarcasm] How do they know if a crater was on old meteorite one or a volcano in the absence of the original meteoric material such as iron/nickel/schreibersite all mixed with glass etc. (which should automatically raise huge red flags)? Answer: the presence of shatter cones. Do you see the circular logic here?

Look at a few of these links in this google search for further clues.

A very quick look at one of the above links found this:

See what I mean?

2014/03/23 at 8:31 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Mo.
Now I’ll reply to the your other questions mo.

“They say they estimate the size to have been about 5-10 km, but wouldn’t this be calculated assuming the asteroid coming from a much larger distance, hence a higher velocity than in the concave earth model? Thus it would have to be (much?) larger in your model?”

No. In their model, I think nothing is supposed to fall above 160km (leo).

So they would only be calculating from this free-fall distance. It could be in concave Earth model that everything falls from the center (I’m not sure yet) which would mean I would have about 6000km to play with. Maybe meteorites spiral down from the Sun? Don’t know.

Also, you say these are like chunks of the sun, but how, and why do they break apart?

Already explained. I theorize that the cause are electrical surges from the Sun’s carbon electrodes. Scroll down to no.3

And wouldn’t they have to leave huge holes in the glass sky?

Very small holes, yes. Remember it is only the iron/nickel alloy part falling through the glass. Unless of course they are under constant repair, which would open a whole new can of worms.

Interesting the largest meteorite is the the Hoba one at 66 tons originally.

Look at the size of it compared to the tree in the background. It wouldn’t have created that big a hole. In fact, because it melted through the glass the glass would still be intact (but just have a little bit less of it due to the melted drops falling down).

This also links to your first question:

“It is inferred that the Earth’s atmosphere slowed the object to the point that it fell to the surface at terminal velocity, thereby remaining intact and causing little excavation. Assuming a drag coefficient of about 1.3, the meteor would have been slowed to a mere 320 metres per second (1,000 ft/s) (contrast this with typical orbital speeds of several km/s). ”

“Last questions: Megacryometeors: Why do they fall in the first place? How do they break apart from the glass/ice layer? And why don`t you find glass coming down along with the ice meteors?
LSC assumes that they are spraying chemtrails in order to prevent the ice from melting, but if you look into it, global temperatures are falling, so it does not make much sense to me. Also the surface of the trails is imho not large enough to make any impact on that, mostly you see only a few trails, wouldn’t 99,9999 % of heat just pass by, even assuming they would have certain chemical abilities in order to bind heat?”

Don’t know Mo. That’s LSC’s area. I haven’t looked into that at all.

2014/03/23 at 8:53 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Mo.
Ok I’ll have a look at the avatar thing. I put them on when I uploaded a forum. I’m not sure if they would work with the blog. if not, I will find another solution. At the moment I have to concentrate fully on producing the next article.

“Btw how would you explain the huge meteor craters with up to 90 km in diameter?”

My first take would be that they have wrongly labeled these craters as can be seen here in the Libyan glass example –

2014/03/23 at 9:12 pm

A few questions:

First, you disagree with the possibility of high velocity asteroid impacts, one of your points being a lack of asteroid materials. What about high levels of iridium found near theorized crater locations?

Next, where do satellites fit on the concave earth? Do companies like SpaceX plan on taping communicators to our glass ceiling? Where does Google maps come from?

2014/03/26 at 4:41 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Colin.
Hi Colin,

Higher levels of Iridium alone is nowhere near enough to be conclusive that a meteorite had struck there. Are there any tektites, fused glass, glass with high iron/nickel content, any chondrites, iron/nickel/cobalt alloys, enstatite etc. etc. as this is what a meteorite is made of. There are supposedly only tiny amounts of rare Earth metals such as iridium in meteorites relative to the iron/nickel/enstatite content etc.

To put the size issue into perspective, the largest chrondite ever found according to wiki is 1770kg. The largest iron meteorite – 66 tons. This would also make iron meteorites the leading contender to be the original meteoritic material with the more stony ones (chondrites) coming from mixing with the melted glass layer.

Yeah, satellites, that’s a dodgy subject. My take is that they are fake except for the ATS ones which LSC has theorized are attached to the glass layer underneath. I really like his theory but haven’t fully looked into it. Google maps could easily be aerial photography if you look at the size of the houses and streets when they start to be seen as such; or they have been taken with the cameras from the ATS satellites. The only thing I know about the private “space” companies is that they don’t plan on going higher than roughly 100km. Very suspicious especially considering the glass layer is theorized to be 90 to 120 km up there (the altitude may vary from different locations on earth).

2014/03/27 at 8:46 pm


I want to just ask when the new article is coming out, I mean like one week, two months??? Please forgive my impatience, but I need to sum the whole theory up for me on paper, and thus the article would be highly important.. Thanks!

2014/04/03 at 2:31 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Mo.
I have a bit more time now so maybe quicker than I thought. Two months sounds right. Could be three weeks if I have lots of time. Don’t know.

The next article although a bit stodgy in places because of all the numbers involved, is important as it will form a basis for me on how the sun oscillates in the aether which in turn shed a lot of light on other physical phenomena. The article after that about what and where the stars are, will be a lot quicker. After that, things will probably take a lot of time as it involves some tough visualizing and thinking which I may never get to the bottom of.

2014/04/03 at 9:32 am
    Ian Goss
In reply to Mo.
Ok, I’ve actually read this article properly now.
My current contribution from flight paths on flighttracker is that the earth is curved over large distances. London to Vancouver tracks way north of a ‘straight’ line , curving in an arc over Greenland.

Assuming our maps are ok, this does suggest the airlines are following some roughly globe shaped terrain to get the shortest flight time.

Southern hemisphere seems not to have any relevant flights so far.

Your article does evidence it being a concave sphere (ish).

Some good binoculars + video cam + tripod + ship tracker app would create a viable repeat of those horizon experiments.

2014/04/03 at 8:30 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Ian Goss.
Indeed Ian.

Luckily, a couple of dedicated folks (who have posted under this article) have already done that. Search for “the binocular effect” on YouTube and skycentrism etc. Ka rol has done already done it and I think another poster has as well.

2014/04/03 at 8:43 pm
    Ian Goss
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Thanks, Good to know people have done those horizon videos.

Re the ‘earth’s shadow passing accros the moon’ during a lunar eclipse … here’s a link to a vid, showing that happening…it should start at the relevant point, its only 2mins long..

The standard model says this shadow is caused when the earth passes between the sun and moon ( only when the moon is at the correct ‘height’, so not every full moon).

The flat earther ‘theNASAchannel’ says this shadow is caused by another unseen object, not the earth. I believe Steven Christopher says it happens when the moon passes thru a ‘dead zone’ where its image dims or disappears.

It is commonly used as evidence that the earth is a ball shape.

2014/04/04 at 8:38 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

I interviewed a NASA scientist….

2014/04/12 at 5:09 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
Fair play to Cohen as he was open to the idea. How did you get hold of him?

2014/04/12 at 7:05 pm
    Lord Steven Christ
In reply to Wild Heretic.
I just called the main number two days prior.

2014/04/13 at 12:27 am
    Enlighten Fawn
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
Hi Steve > Just viewed the video on sumstuff’s channel, and You were Great! 🙂 Richard C. stated: “Uh, I don’t Know…” a lot!! At least he is open to the other theories, etc. (?).
I was wondering, though, what is Your Theory and/or Thought on the possible “doomsday” scenario? What will be involved?
I can’t post on Youtube because I’m not signed up with googleplus, and I don’t want to be because I’d be more invaded then I already am! Thanks, Fawn ~

2014/04/13 at 5:47 pm
    Enlighten Fawn
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Hi WH ~ So, I guess I’m stuck with ‘this’ avatar? How did You get Yours!? I just wish for mine to be more appealing 🙂 C Ya L8ter >
Fawn ~

2014/04/13 at 5:53 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Enlighten Fawn.

Eventually I’ll have a look at that, but right now that’s at the bottom of my to-do list.

2014/04/13 at 6:21 pm
    Enlighten Fawn
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Hi WH ~ Okay, I know….. don’t sweat the small stuff…. but Thank You for the Consideration! 😉
Fawn ~

2014/04/13 at 6:48 pm

First of all,respect for the work you do here WH.It took me 2 days to read all the articles and the comments.
Happy to have found this place.

I was watching today an old soviet documentary (it was cosmonautics day yesterday) about the first women in space when it hit me.

solar eclipses

we know those are real.Ive seen one myself (it was not total,but i saw part of the sun goes missing using wielders mask to stare at the sun). I also noticed the change of light and the way animals behaved was also weird .Anyway.

The moon has to be an object made of stuff.It has to be real.It has to be between the sun and the earth in order for a solar eclipse to happen.

just my 2 cents

2014/04/13 at 7:45 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

lunar eclipses in the concave earth, how i see them…

2014/04/13 at 11:12 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
Hi Oneofthesheeple and welcome aboard the fringe train of “truth” (hopefully) 🙂

I’ve seen a solar eclipse myself in 1999 or 2000 in Germany I think.

I haven’t looked into them at all and so I would ask these questions:

  1. Do we know it is the moon which causes them? Do we see the moon during the day pass over the Sun and block its light?

  2. If it is the moon, is the moon an indicator for some other process of which we are unaware? I.e Is it these processes which create the illusion of the moon (assuming the moon is an illusion, which is a big “if”) that also create the solar eclipse?

I don’t have time to look into this right now, but I leave these questions for others to answer.


2014/04/14 at 12:53 am

I was going trough the stuff on my phone when this 2 pictures got my attention:

I took em a second apart at around 11 500 meters.

Look at the way the dark/light part is curved just above the horizon,which is at eye-level (at over 11km up in the sky!!)

I think those pictures speak for themselves.

2014/04/14 at 6:19 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
Thanks for the links. The first one is particular good showing the concave curved gradient of the light above the horizon.

Also, this shows the horizon is always at eye level no matter how high you go. If the Earth were convex or flat, and the horizon was a geometric phenomenon, then the horizon would always be below eye level (or disappeared completely).

2014/04/14 at 7:30 pm
    Lord Steven Christ
In reply to Enlighten Fawn.
i expect the ice that’s attached to the glass sky to unravel like a scroll with the sun stopping, martial law being invoked prior, people going underground, marked, transported to pine gap to set up the kingdom of God. I think this will all happen in less than 2 years.

2014/04/17 at 5:23 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
According to the “being with no eyes” in Etidorpha, the giant underground mushrooms were there to feed the masses on their way through the bowls of the earth when the time comes. That’s the only info I have.

2014/04/20 at 6:38 pm

On YouTube, users Alltime Conspiracies, vsauce and minutephysics blocked me for this simple link i told them to check out , i said “there is simple physics proof the earth is Concave,”

Was not rude just what i said above, my comment was deleted from all 3 and i was blocked, they are very popular channels, seems like they are connected and avoiding this info like the plague BUT they use the hollow earth stories and it’s being ridiculed, just as planned, i see the flat earthers and convex arguing all the time, the concave earth is being left out of these arguments, what a setup, the ridicule masters are hard at work

2014/04/22 at 11:18 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to sumstuff52.
I agree with your conclusions. I don’t know those three channels but the either/or flat/convex earth debate seems like the old set up of left/right, religion/atheists, creationism/Darwinism, Protestantism/Catholicism, and all the rest.

The more I look into these things, the more it is becoming obvious that we are being played. I saw some documents recently which strongly suggest that we have had “free energy” and anti-gravity since 1907! There was also a late 17th century account of someone in England finding a shallow underground “lair” of a person who had a proto-lightbulb lit up and smashed it when the peasant intruder entered. It was rumoured to be the Rosicrucians, but nobody knows. What powered the lightbulb and who were they?

I think there is a lot of truth in the hollow earth stories, but of course, it isn’t “hollow earth” as we are in the hollow part, but other cavities “outside” earth. The other question of course is what technologies have been discovered by us, which ones have been introduced, and which ones disallowed.

2014/04/22 at 12:20 pm

There is allot of information out there that is “overlooked”,it just does not fit to the reality build around us and more importantly the reality build inside our heads…
So we simply ignore it,forget it,we try to bend it a way that it fits..and if this doesnt help us feel better (truth hurts,always!),we burn it, we “erase it from the pages of time” as one guy once said..
and yet some of it always finds a way to plant itself in someones head,stay there,and if lucky,grow like a flower does…and wait for the bees to come.

2014/04/23 at 6:17 pm

Ive been thinking,and id like to share some ideas.

We assume a close system,consisting of:
– Concave earth (glass-sky)
– Ether

The ether is moving inside.
Now,we have pyramids other mysterious architecture all over the place.
Heaven and earth seems to be connected.
The ether is vibrating (why we hear wind?) creating the stars in the water (literal celestial ocean).
When vibrations change freq. pressure changes as well, that’s why storms,tsunamis,earthquakes,”solar” storms,”supernovas”, wind and the tides,the waves, the clouds in our sky(flying through a cloud shakes planes,..muss stop at some point.
Problem here is,ether is a magical..I have no idea what it can do or not do.It scares me.
But i know that vibrations make things appear “out of a thin air”…or disappear.
The thing about vibrations makes the entire idea “vibrate”..don’t like that much but anyway 🙂
One can even try to do the math,to actually get some numbers and use em as proof,but now days with numbers(usually big and having $ at the end) there is nothing you cant proof.


2014/04/26 at 12:57 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
The mystery of this place continues. I think the vibrational thing is very important. It could be what we detect with our senses. I wonder if it is layered. I.e a movement of the aether causes vibration, but does an underlying vibration of a different sort cause this movement, making movement itself an illusion? I’ve no idea.

2014/04/26 at 4:52 pm


if earth would be concave the middle point of all life would be in the center above in the sky,
if earth would be convex the middle point would be in an assumed hell-like hot Iron/Nickel core !

I stay with the concave point of view !

I have a question about pressure:
This question is for real scientists, those who really enjoy their open-minded logical thinking,
as well as for the old-school ones, those who are willingly or unwillingly gate-keeping old and odd models.

Why comes that the earth (old-convex-model) is not loosing its atmosphere to the surrounding vacuum ?
Why is the assumed very low-pressured cosmic space not (constantly and strong!) sucking earth’s atmosphere ?

I read the official version:
The sparly present (and cold) hydrogen atoms at this certain height would hardly reach the required escape velocity…

What i am really missing with this explanation is a potential influence of an assumed surrounding vacuum !
Especially if there is no solid wall between earth’s atmosphere and the outer space.
The valve between the two different pressurized surroundings would be over 500.000.000km² large.

Till now i got no explaining answer from convex-open-space believers !

One additional thing i occasionally observe at EVENINGS when the sun rises UP out of my view:
Sometimes there is a cloud barrier to the west and the sun cannot be seen,
then the clouds above me are not getting reddish colored (because of the cloud barrier),
but when i look to the east (where it is not so much cloudy) there i still can see clouds which still gain some of the red sunlight.
In a convex model this should not be possible…

I hope my contribution is a little inspiring 🙂

With love and joy from an Inner Earth



2014/04/26 at 10:41 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

I’ve been getting too many positive comments from Flat-Earthers who haven’t spent the time to research my concave earth position; so much so, that I felt I needed to make a clarification video in which I also pointed them to your site.

It’s a process for most people.

2014/04/27 at 7:10 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
They only thing they have going for them is optics and when we look into that more, it actually helps CET. I saw pastor Jim or whatever his name is reply on a YT comment to Sumstuff about Antarctica not being crossed as proof of the disk Earth. Firstly even if true that isn’t proof, secondly it has been crossed on foot and plane, thirdly both sides have been crossed which kind of upsets the disk theory a lot, and fourthly the most likely reason for the few flights around Antarctica (but not directly over) is the fact that there are few cities in the Southern hemisphere. Most of it is water. We have South Africa, Australia, and a bit of South America.

2014/04/29 at 9:18 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Michael.
That’s a great point and one I hadn’t thought of. I imagine the standard answer is “gravity”. But still… I mean air rushes into a vacuum at ground level and gravity is supposed to be strongest at this level, isn’t it? Maybe it is just the differing degrees of lightness of the various gases? However, wouldn’t we expect this differential density strata throughout the entire vacuum thereby not making it a vacuum at all, which would be trillions of light years across in the convex model lol. In a concave earth model this would put the strata 4000 miles across. Maybe someone will say it is evenly stratified to 4000 miles as it now stands with 1% air at 100km, but is it? The 1% is calculated anyway and not measured I don’t think. I remember reading they often (or is it always) find different measured readings with balloons than what is calculated.

Interesting about the sunset too which I don’t have an argument for.

2014/04/29 at 9:44 pm

the more i have been thinking,the more i believe that the best way to understand ether is to study “the magnetic field of the earth” and magnets.
There are the vortexes on magnets
There is also the spiral motion in nature…
And there is the earths magnetic field…with the magnetic north pole “dancing” around,and by the way reading about it in Wikipedia tells that we nave no idea what actually is the earth magnetic field.It is simply “believed”.
Well,how bout having the ether blowing down on “the magnetic pole”…Any pictures of the sky from the poles?

2014/04/29 at 10:24 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
Yes, in a nutshell. Magnetism is a big clue, but so is the path of the Sun as I am finding out.

Any pictures of the sky from the poles? This one. 😉

2014/04/29 at 10:39 pm
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
Check this out guys 🙂

2014/04/30 at 12:03 pm

This makes sense to me, Because in Genesis we read that Cain was banished from the face of the earth: 12 when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be IN the earth. 13 And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. 14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond IN the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. I always wondered about this, I checked both Hebrew and Greek to see if this was wrong, If it said “IN” the earth and not “on” the earth, and how could he be driven from the face of the earth when we read he built cities? We all have been driven from the face of the earth, we are on the converse side of the earth!

2014/05/03 at 11:41 pm

Hi guys. I don’t know if you’re kidding or not, so I’ll assume for a moment you’re serious about concave Earth theory and would like you to answer two questions:

  1. if Earth is, in fact, concave then where do all those photographs of our planet as a convex sphere come from? It’s just a NASA hoax, am I right? 🙂

  2. if you seriously assume NASA and other important authorities are trying to trick us into believing that Earth is convex while, in fact, it’s concave then tell me: why do they do it? Why is it so important to keep us misinformed about the real shape of our planet? Why would it be so devastating for us to know that Earth is empty and we live inside of it? I simply see no rational reason for this worldwide hoax.

2014/05/04 at 12:32 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Peter.

  1. Yes. The only footage that can be trusted are raw pieces such as the balloon ones and perhaps one of a space shuttle launch which NASA strangely says there are no special effects involved. Now why would they say that… unless their other images are bogus. The shape of the Earth cannot be determined with these photos as already shown in this article. No need to repeat it.

  2. Heliocentric theory is the turd in the punch bowl which in my opinion is to stop people not only discovering the aether but also how it works and its make-up which would unleash unimaginable technologies and abilities on the world which the establishment certainly doesn’t deem us ready for (if ever). There is also a secondary reason which is to make us look up and not down to protect those in other cavities. Read some of the wild stories on those who stumbled across these cavities and you will see that those others do not want to be looked for or discovered.

However, the turd isn’t omnipotent (although it has been perhaps one of the greatest turds fostered upon us in modern history). Look at this gentleman. He has discovered the basic mechanism of gravity DESPITE heliocentric theory. A truly remarkable man. He doesn’t recognize the turd of course and so has to try and make something over-complicated up to try and match his discovery with what he thinks (wrongly) is reality.

“On a rudimentary level, non-space behavior can be compared to a vortex, which is a ‘low energy’ example of this phenomenon. Milk added to a stirred cup of coffee outlines a vortex, which consists of a high pressure exterior and a low pressure center. The vortex behaves in a manner identical to that of the planets orbiting the Sun, in that both phenomena obey Kepler’s Second Law of Planetary Motion(1). Objects placed closer to the center of the vortex orbit at a greater speed than objects further out from the center, in accordance with Kepler’s Laws. The depression in the center of the fluid is thus a relative absence of matter producing an effect characteristic of gravity.”

He also asks some good questions about the Sun.

You can’t help but stumble across some poor intelligent man who has his pet theory of everything on one of the physics forums by tying it in with modern astronomy. Imagine if these intelligent fellows had the correct model! Physics would finally have a mechanism and could describe things mechanically which engineers could work on and use. Can engineers use quantum mechanics to make machines? Also look into the Jesuits and ask yourself why they wish us to remain ignorant. Who does it benefit? I think the spy people call this “poisoning the well” I prefer “turd in the punch bowl”.

Because of the turd I am the only one actually looking into this stuff. It should be the physics guys, not non-mathematical me to theorize and energize this knowledge. Instead their talents have been turded. Take the turd out and start again and revolutionize the world. Mmmmm… maybe that is what they are so afraid of. Ya think!

2014/05/04 at 5:18 pm
    Nils Esche

Maybe interesting:

Wide angle lenses and horizon on eye level, no stars!

2014/05/05 at 1:20 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Nils Esche.
Thanks for that Nils. It does look like a wide angle lens with my untrained eye. Can you elaborate on how you think it is is a wide-angle lens so I can spot future tell-tale signs in other videos?

2014/05/06 at 8:58 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

Interesting that CNET mentioned my website in last months article.
“‘Star Trek’ star, scientist explain participation in bizarre documentary
Actor Kate Mulgrew and prominent physicist Lawrence Krauss seem to be as puzzled as we are that they ended up in a documentary arguing that the Earth is the center of the universe.”
No matter what science has to say, there are always going to be people out there with crazy theories about how everything works and how the Earth is a flat planet orbited by the sun. (We particularly like the theory that the universe is inside out.)

2014/05/10 at 7:13 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
Brilliant. Something semi-main streamish taking notice eh?… and not knocking it, but liking it. We’ve probably had a bigger impact than we realize.

Through personal experience I know there are two groups (although I don’t know who they are exactly) who have definitely taken notice. I may address this later.

2014/05/10 at 9:55 pm

WH, have you looked into how altitude is measured? It is actually very interesting. You might be surprised! We’re used to the idea that all measurements are absolute, but in fact they are all relative and this can have very bizarre implications concerning the shape of the planet.