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Comments (Concave Earth Theory)

Page 7

2014/06/22 at 12:17 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to thewordwatcher.
I didn’t read it, but I looked at the diagrams. Are you saying that it is the sky (space) that is moving, not the Sun? That may be possible, but why does a part of the spinning space block sunlight?

I’m with you though on the nonsense of helio theory and the arc of the Sun.

2014/06/22 at 3:47 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
I want to add an observational fact here.

I was at the beach.A chemtrail/contrail sprayed its white thingy.
Lets say the chemtrail was right above me.

After some minutes(5-10) i could obviously see the chemtrail moving from right above me to the east .Aka at the opposite direction of the sun that was setting during my staying at the beach.

It was obviously NOT the wind that moved the chemtrail there because the chemtrail preserved its dense through all these minutes.It was not the wind.
It was moving together with ALL THE SKY.

Any comments on this?

2014/06/23 at 12:27 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to panos.
An interesting observation. Do you think the chemtrail is made of substances which do not disperse easily in wind? Funnily enough I noticed something very similar a couple of days ago, but it was a north to south movement instead and it happened pretty quickly too… shockingly quickly in fact.

Let’s say though the sky is moving in the opposite direction to the Sun. Does this mean that the Sun is stationary or still moving? If it is stationary, then a part of the sky (space) must be blocking the sunlight at night and the sun must be shining from all sides, yet supposedly we have never seen the back of the Sun.

2014/06/23 at 12:13 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Could be that chemtrails don’t disperse easily.
Do you remember the wind direction the time you saw this?

Because in my experience it was moving likely in the direction of the wind.
But it was moving so perfectly together with the rest of the sky.

2014/06/24 at 12:54 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to panos.
Unfortunately I don’t remember the wind direction. I think with 75% certainty there was no wind on the ground. Of course, I couldn’t tell you if there was wind up where the chemtrail was.

2014/06/24 at 3:12 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Movement of space is irrelevant. Important is movement of the Sun and if the Sun moves away, it looks like is going down, but in reality Sun goes up.

So the movement of sphere or Karman line is not important.

My post was second in the row and I don’t know, why the first on is not displayed. Was rather big one.

Anyway, please look at my last two posts in my forum in this link.,29/teocentryzm-czy-mieszkamy-we-wnetrzu-ziemi,1583-555.html

I have illustrated angles of Sun rays above Equator and tropic of Capricorn and tropic of Cancer.

These angles are very solid and very easy to demonstrate, that the Sun is very close to Earth.

If it’s proven, that is so, there is not Heliocentric system, because small Sun can’t hold Earth on it’s orbit!

All modern astronomy is gone! Take a good look on two set’s of pics and if you have any questions, we can discuss this on Skype. My English spoken is much better that written! So don’t be afraid! 😀

You have my email so… but I’m sure you can figure it out what I’m trying to say in Polish on my forum! No one even tried to question this idea. 🙂

2014/06/25 at 10:09 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to thewordwatcher.
Cheers wordwatcher. Will take a look.

2014/06/25 at 5:56 pm

Hey Wild Heretic, great site.

Sir Edmund Halley (Halley’s comet) did extensive study of Earths magnetic fields by traveling by ship with sensitive gear and said the results indicate the Earth is a sphere within a sphere within a sphere within a sphere.

He saw the Earth as a ball that we are on the outside of BUT if we take his work and apply it to the concave Earth theory, I think we may be on to something.

We know the ground to be negative and space to be positive but what if whoever built this place made spheres that were magnetized in such a manner as to oppose each other? (north north or south south) If ‘space’ is just a layer between our sphere and the next one (the next one being north and facing us) then all the ‘space’ is positive but the top and bottom are north so they push each other. You could then place sphere within sphere within sphere etc by making shells that are magnetically LAYERED. Like the shell itself would be north south north. so the inside AND outside of the sphere are north. then construct them in the appropriate sizes to rest in each other like Russian dolls.

We know that lightning strikes 1000 times every SECOND on the earth and that the negative ions seek the positive meaning all the electricity is going UP (to power the sun)

this sphere within a sphere also explains the MASSIVE magnetic field of the earth. and i believe it will be shown to be what creates the gravity effect that holds or pushes us all to the ground.

so world within world all powering each other by this creative placing of magnetic spheres. running the whole place on the electricity generated by them turning within each other.

meaning there could be yet another world above us as well as one below us.

and perhaps even more.

It could be the entire universe is …. dirt and saltwater. and no one had ever seen a sky until they built one.

One thing for sure, nothing could live on the surface of a ‘planet’.
No atmosphere could stick to it. it is ridiculous to think it could.
So life had to evolve indoors. And what would it want more than anything else?
A sky. And a belief that there was an infinite universe of stars right in front of them.

Oh and one more fun thing for the website
ever notice that EVERY crater EVER made is a perfect circle? that means EVERY meteor has hit at perfect 90 degree angle LOL
none ever hit at a 30 degree angle? making a skid? a 45? on EVERY planet, asteroid, moon? LOL

It turns out craters are made by ELECTRICITY! and they think now the grand canyon was made this way too!
check it out here

So this sphere is a sphere etc was turned on at some point (possibly how it was all hollowed out and constructed in the first place) and the electricity everywhere made all the craters, canyons, mountains, etc

I hope this helps fill in the gaps a bit ^^

Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!

2014/06/27 at 2:34 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Bob.
Thanks Bob. I always appreciate appreciation if you know what I mean 🙂

He saw the Earth as a ball that we are on the outside of BUT if we take his work and apply it to the concave Earth theory, I think we may be on to something.

We know the ground to be negative and space to be positive but what if whoever built this place made spheres that were magnetized in such a manner as to oppose each other? (north north or south south) If ‘space’ is just a layer between our sphere and the next one (the next one being north and facing us) then all the ‘space’ is positive but the top and bottom are north so they push each other. You could then place sphere within sphere within sphere etc by making shells that are magnetically LAYERED. Like the shell itself would be north south north. so the inside AND outside of the sphere are north. then construct them in the appropriate sizes to rest in each other like Russian dolls.

I didn’t know that about Halley. Do you know why exactly he thought the Earth was a sphere within a sphere like Russian dolls, because my initial imaginative speculative premise was something on those lines. I think we could be like that too. It would explain spirit and energy bodies and such like (I’ve seen both and a lot more).

We know that lightning strikes 1000 times every SECOND on the earth and that the negative ions seek the positive meaning all the electricity is going UP (to power the sun)

You know, I knew about the neg/pos ground(cloud)/ionosphere issue but had never thought of it like that; and do you know what, that works.

this sphere within a sphere also explains the MASSIVE magnetic field of the earth. and i believe it will be shown to be what creates the gravity effect that holds or pushes us all to the ground.

I’ve made good progress on that front. It goes even beyond that, but I am 95% sure the Earth cavity acts like a gyroscope. I have it so far that it is the spinning aether (the magnetic field being one aspect or effect of this, but definitely not the effect itself) which pushes us to the ground. There is also I believe a very strong connection with electricity and light with all of this too… at least this is what I am making inroads into.

meaning there could be yet another world above us as well as one below us.

and perhaps even more.

Below us for sure; above us I’m not so sure the only way I can make things fit is if the Sun is very, very near the centre of the Earth cavity.

It could be the entire universe is …. dirt and saltwater. and no one had ever seen a sky until they built one.

Sounds like what Hitler believed with his Swiss cheese theory, probably influenced by that 19th century book on the vril civilisation.

One thing for sure, nothing could live on the surface of a ‘planet’.
No atmosphere could stick to it. it is ridiculous to think it could.
So life had to evolve indoors. And what would it want more than anything else?
A sky. And a belief that there was an infinite universe of stars right in front of them.

Others have said the same. Lots of possible reasons for the “alone in the universe” perception.

Oh and one more fun thing for the website
ever notice that EVERY crater EVER made is a perfect circle? that means EVERY meteor has hit at perfect 90 degree angle LOL
none ever hit at a 30 degree angle? making a skid? a 45? on EVERY planet, asteroid, moon? LOL

I had never thought of that 🙂

It turns out craters are made by ELECTRICITY! and they think now the grand canyon was made this way too!
check it out here

Not sure about the Grand Canyon. That famous preacher fellow who LSC had an argument with claimed it was water erosion (the flood and all that). I noticed that all the electric universe predictions on their webpage correlates with this blog perfectly except when the data comes from NASA (about half of it).

So this sphere is a sphere etc was turned on at some point (possibly how it was all hollowed out and constructed in the first place) and the electricity everywhere made all the craters, canyons, mountains, etc

Never thought about the creation of mountains and canyons that way. Why not? Yes, I wonder how they turned it on. Maybe there are physical holes in the poles and making the holes created the differences in aether pressure which created the turbulence and started the “machine”?

Thanks for the constructive input and ideas Bob.


2014/06/27 at 8:05 pm

What if space doesn’t push but attracts the lighter elements ?
The heavier elements are resistant to this ”kind of attraction”..?
And what if earth attracts the heavier elements…and the lighter elements are resistant to earth’s attraction.

The ancient texts speak about a power that is greater than the power of earth…

2014/06/27 at 11:11 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to panos.
Sure. Absolutely. On its own it is possible of course.

But when looking at the Earth cavity at the moment while writing the next article I think it is a push. Centrifugal compression fits better with me in terms of the other stuff that fits.

2014/06/28 at 10:37 am
In reply to Bob.
“So life had to evolve indoors. And what would it want more than anything else?
A sky. And a belief that there was an infinite universe of stars right in front of them.”

Are you sure? To me, it seems this “belief” was viciously introduced in order to hide the reality of us all being together in this and make us more controllable by telling everyone they are insignificant dots on an insignificant spot in a vast universe.

2014/06/28 at 8:48 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Icecoldsun.
Another valid possibility icecoldsun.

There are so many; maybe some overlap. Maybe one day we could list them all that we can think of and go from there.

2014/06/28 at 11:31 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
ok i will try to split it into 3 parts … lol
Part 1:

“Do you know why exactly he thought the Earth was a sphere within a sphere like Russian dolls, because my initial imaginative speculative premise was something on those lines.”

He got the idea from Newton’s Lunar density of moon to earth as 9 to 5. Then he used special compasses that not only turn left and right but up and down as well and he sailed the oceans and mapped the results. He was full certain we have 2 north poles and 2 south poles AND that there are other poles. And that these spheres rotate slowly in relation to each other and that there are 4 spheres one within another.
there are some great references at the end of this article and it is a good article on the subject:

Also John Cleves Symmes work is worth a look at too on this subject:

2014/06/29 at 3:28 am
In reply to Bobtest13.
Part 2:

and here is a great article on electric craters with a title you will like haha:

and this site is a gem of intelligence as well:

To me it is hilarious to read a lot of these theories and articles because every time they run across something they can’t explain just apply the concave Earth theory and it makes perfect sense. They just all have it backwards. They see it. They can do the math. They can prove it. They are so close. They just start with the assumption of the Copernican model. If you start with the concave model instead then it all paints a really clear picture of what we are living in with way less ‘unknowns’ and ‘impossibles’.

2014/06/29 at 3:28 am
In reply to Bobtest13.
ahh i think the problem is in this link i was trying to post.
I have omitted the link to test that theory here.

Part 3:

for a laugh too i think it is funny that the Windows 7 logo has a map of the concave earth, atmosphere and all, on it.

(link removed cause it bugged the post but just look at the default Windows 7 desktop wallpaper that is the image being discussed)

So we see in the image the 4 elements air, earth, fire, and water. we also see a ‘map’ of the hollow concave earth on the right half lol
and a zoom in of it on the left. Also not on the one on the left that they add some small spheres ‘trailing off’ as to represent there are more of these or more layers. Above that we see 3 hexagons representing 666 in a way that looks to me like they are saying (with the butterfly below it) that all life is growing in ‘cocoons’ like the butterfly and the unnatural hexagonal shapes say this is a CONSTRUCT as opposed to naturally formed. Clearly their theme is LIFE and what it takes to make it. You need 4 elements and some cocoons.

Also i noticed the intro to the Daily Show with John Stewart CLEARLY shows the world to be inside a group of spheres. They have the Earth as a ball inside but the CONSTRUCT is exactly the type of structure we are theorizing exists here.

oh and it is such a LOL to watch this if you ever want to dog on NASA some more for lying to us all (please do lol):

Her hair is FULLY HAIRSPRAYED UP haha It bounces and ‘springs’ rofl I laugh so hard every time. This is the most blatant in your face lie they do. That is in no way the way hair would behave in a weightless environment lol. It would behave like it does in water, a dry water but still like water.This one video is enough to put most NASA management in PRISON for FRAUD. Such an easy case to win it is hilarious. A 5 second snippet of the top of her hair snapping back and wobbling as she moves is all it will take. Physics can prove the rest. Why fake the hair if your not faking the trip? In a real environment like that wouldn’t you put it in a hair net? These videos must be made in a zero G plane or construct. just lol…

Also in several videos they bounce around the station with their 200lb bodies landing on one wall then pushing off another direction with no concern at all for how that will affect the tilt and spin of a free floating object LOL. Every MOTION that contacted a wall would have to be COMPENSATED for. The whole station could eventually go into a spin and never recover otherwise just from playing hide and seek up there.

I appreciate you appreciating the appreciation 🙂

This secret will become common knowledge again and better than ever 🙂

2014/06/29 at 3:35 am
In reply to Icecoldsun.
yeah probably works both ways. it, like most things, could have started with the best of intentions and then turned into a political power trip run by murderers that try to retain the image of the original good intention while masturbating their evil fantasies on the population.

So like WHEN they created it they wanted a sky. Once they got a sky they wanted to OWN it for themselves and fought over it. Typical immaturity is probably a natural part of our evolution.

2014/06/29 at 3:41 am
In reply to Icecoldsun.
Icecoldsun, you would like reading Jon Rappaport’s blog. Here is a link to a recent article of his which actually brought me to this blog.

His understanding of this reality may answer some of your above questions. I’ve thought a lot like you, All this dooms day stuff is made to mind control us, because what we believe, we SEE. What we think about we bring about. I have to ask how can TPTB do the things they do and be immune to it themselves. My answer was because they don’t believe it. They know it’s not the truth.
another guy you might like is a new thought thinker who first came out in the 1920’s and taught that everything starts with our imagination, our ability to conceive it in our own minds. He teaches us how to apply our thought to creating our reality.
His name is Neville Goddard. He has an interesting take on the bible, it’s not a religious document to him at all, nor is it historical.

2014/06/29 at 8:53 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Bobtest13.
Yes, I’ve seen that with the pushing off from the walls in the ISIS and that woman’s hair etc. In fact, it is in one of the articles in this blog.

And thanks for the great find of the intro to the daily show (although this is an amateur remake):

It shows a concave Earth with the innermost central sphere wobbling just like our Sun.

2014/06/30 at 7:58 pm
    sumstuff52[Donald Sarty]

Check out this 3D Gyro Compass App
Which shows Earth as Concave

2014/07/01 at 12:01 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to sumstuff52[Donald Sarty].
Yeah, the background map is concave. Good find. I wonder why they did this?

2014/07/01 at 12:19 pm
    sumstuff52[Donald Sarty]
In reply to Wild Heretic.
partofyou sent me this in reference to the spinning gyro at the beginning of game of thrones intro
Maybe a gyroscope is more accurate in a concave earth sphere. You can’t go wrong with spheres within spheres but the map is very blatant and for navigation looks easier to understand

2014/07/01 at 2:48 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to sumstuff52[Donald Sarty].
You know Don, I never thought of the gyro looking Sun with its gimbals in the Game of Thrones intro. Can’t believe I missed that.

2014/07/01 at 3:02 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

My buddy Mike started a Concave Earth Forum.
Please help contribute, people….

2014/07/03 at 3:14 pm

A series of suppositions that if true not only explain a LOT about what is going on but also the keys to the solutions.

Let’s say the Universe is all rock. or maybe there are planets but planets are HUGE like boggle the mind huge.
Either way we have a large enough area that MANY ‘worlds’ could be made/formed next to each other in the rock.

Let’s say these worlds are like ours. Huge caverns with a sky and ‘space’ or perhaps other configurations.

These ‘worlds’ would be right next to each other for a very very long long time. It would be possible that one of the worlds would become aware of a neighbor world.

Maybe they become friends, maybe not whatever, at some point one world decides it does not much care for the other world. In fact it down right hates them. They go to war.

One ‘world’ wins. Now they have this neighbor ‘world’ they have conquered and now they can stop any of the riff raff from coming into their world. They take control of the leadership of the world they have conquered.

They would need to keep that world in the dark. Blind to the truth. Or face war again.

So let’s say they taught their conquered world that it was a small rotating planet in a vast and unexplored universe. The children of the conquered planet would grow up thinking they are alone. No reason to try to find other near worlds in the rock at their feet. Just look up at the sky and wonder… keep trying to reach the stars lol and live out the very short lives they are planning for your kind…. they will make sure you appear as fools to justify to their population why they do what they do to you.

Why would NASA and SCHOOLS and the government LIE directly to us about the very NATURE of our existence when they KNOW better? Anyone ever seen the government do anything in the best interest of the people beyond what we need to survive? We ALL know there is something wrong with this world and we never can quite put our finger on it.

Well put your finger on this. A war between worlds. A battle of the ‘Gods’ is recorded in several cultures.

We lost.

Since then they have controlled every aspect of our leadership and future. We suffer here because our NEIGHBORS do NOT like us. And they do not want us doing to their homes what we do to our own. And frankly i can’t fault them for that. BUT I can fault them for immaturity. They do NOT teach us better. They OWN us. They are therefore greedy. They teach us stupidity. So they FEAR us. Therefore they cannot be so advanced that we cannot get our world back for our children.

just a theory…

2014/07/03 at 3:55 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to bob.
Another good theory.

It kind of overlaps the farm theory also. Perhaps we’ve had a “corporate takeover” in the past and we are the product 🙂

In Norse mythology, the gods lived in a place in the underworld linked by a rainbow bridge. I used to think Richard Shaver’s stories of Teros/Deros were bordering on the insane until I saw this video. Could be another angle – ancient man, i.e. pre-takeover man.

Then there are the infamous Jesuits who are essentially priests, and what are priests? They are the conduit or administrative intermediary between man and the gods. The owners must have an administrative arm… or shepherds to watch their flock (product) and make sure they don’t stray after all.

According to Fomenko, recorded history is no older than 1000 years. Wouldn’t surprise me if just before this time the takeover took place and “ancient history” fabricated (for which Fomenko also blames the Jesuits) and our world view altered the same (helio theory/evolution etc.). It could be that they didn’t need the inverted truth solutions until the reformation started to educate people whereby they could read the bible themselves and question the authority of the representatives of the gods. They couldn’t reclaim lost authority with an educated populace so they decided to lead the “education” themselves – controlled opposition, so that no-one was seen to be in charge and everyone was looking the wrong way – enter philosophy masquerading as science.

2014/07/03 at 9:42 pm

BBC fakery on the News today.
18 miles up is less than a third of the distance to Space and note the Fish Eye lens put on the iPhone to make the Earth far more round and “convex” than it would appear from that height. What a remarkable lesson in how not do Science at school.

2014/07/04 at 3:54 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Andrew.
Yeah, about 12 seconds in. What a hoot.

2014/07/04 at 6:43 pm
    Richard Ricker

What’s up, this weekend is pleasant in support of me, since this moment i
am reading this fantastic educational article here at my home.

2014/07/05 at 6:16 am
In reply to bob.
Really an interesting theory, bob,.. What brings you to the conclusion that “this” (cavity) we live in is “our” world? People like Lloyd Pye have done a great job in putting out the theory that we – as a species – just don’t fit very well to this earth. Our way of walking is inefficient, we can’t survive for long on our own, most natural habitats of this earth are very hostile to our presence (hence the need to “conquer” nature instead of just living with it) and so on.

What if “we” (that is our “gods” = genetic founders) instead won and “we” are just the occupants doing the dirty work for our masters to this very day? Would all the mind control make sense also in this way?

2014/07/05 at 10:34 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Icecoldsun.
Could be; but what dirty work would that be. I don’t buy the Sitchin “man as a gold miner theory” for example, because 1. If they can create or engineer this world, then it is unlikely the materialization of gold or transmutation of one type of matter into gold is a problem; and 2. machines can mine it much more efficiently than a man and his pickaxe anyway.

I think we could be the product and are mined for our “emotions”. I also think we really need to put a spirit/astral/other dimension aspect on to the whole affair too and somehow fit it in. That side is hard, because we are largely in the dark, but things may come to light yet on the physics side of things.

Other cavities may have different “physical” aspects. Heck, our dreamworlds may be other cavities with different physical aspects also.

2014/07/05 at 1:28 pm

Test message as i seem to have problems posting my last reply with links.

2014/07/06 at 12:38 am
In reply to Wild Heretic.
In studying the lost world of Atlantis, I have come across some interesting information.

The Grand Canyon holds some more secrets

Also in Las Vegas was discovered a large underground city with multiple story buildings and ‘Egyptian’ Hieroglyphics.
I couldn’t find a link to it but I read about it in the Las Vegas Review-Journal when it happened which was a year or 2 before they built the Luxor.

the connection here is that it seems that Egyptian like writing, pyramids, and culture are found ALL OVER THE WORLD.

At some point we had a World government.
that government lost a great war with a neighboring cave world.

With it it appears we lost a great deal of technology and science and intelligence.

Exactly what would be expected from an invading force that didn’t want us wandering into their cave ‘world’ anymore.

They would crush all our past and all that would remain would be legends.

Like that of a lost world
Our World

They would rename the place so the old name would be gone.
We got renamed to Earth meaning – DIRT
In other words they beat us then renamed our world to MUD.

They would make fools of us to justify to their populations what they are doing to our children.

They would exploit us in every way. Like the Israel Palestine situation. An invading force treats the natives as ‘cattle’.

Is that not what is happening?
This reveals the nature of an enemy.

So I submit the hypothesis that the lost world of Atlantis is OUR world EARTH. And that is why we are having such a hard time finding it. As evidence of it is EVERYWHERE in the world.

We are in a real bad situation. Real bad.
They use our own government and military as the occupying force after the war. A tactic of ingenuity. Everything about the structure and attitude of our ‘leadership’ is built around this. Blind obedience to ‘directives’ and ‘orders’ is the cost of admission to this circle. 50% of all our money goes to WAR. 50% TO MURDERING OURSELVES!!!!

It is so plain to see with open eyes.
This is the why.
Sure we could have been named ‘Terra’ or ‘Gaia’ or who knows what else in what cultures but at some point I am relatively sure this world was also named – Atlantis

America, Antarctica, Asia, Africa – nothing with a ’tis’ at the end

This is Latin plural second person. Not likely the name of a singular mass of land. So it means the many Atlans. Or Atlands, or islands of our beautiful oceanic world?

just a theory…

2014/07/06 at 6:06 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Bob.
And a very good one. I think you are onto something here. It explains a lot about the deception in both our history and Earth model.

I knew about the Grand canyon cave in the days when I was reading about the underworld.

I wonder if there is a breakaway resistance or civilization within our society that knows all this and is secretly building a resistance? And so they too would be interested in keeping the public dumbed down also so as not to get the attention of the victors so they themselves can buy time until they are ready? Is this the reason for the DUMBS?

Or maybe not.

2014/07/06 at 7:04 pm
    sumstuff52[Donald Sarty]
In reply to Andrew.
try it with just 2 links in your post

2014/07/06 at 11:16 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
Thx a lot for your feedback. It not only makes sense, but admittedly more sense than what I was thinking of… Being harvested for our emotions remains a hard thing for me to imagine though, and why in the world should the negative emotions then be so much more “lucrative” than positive emotions? Anyway…

I also don’t buy into “quantum mechanics”. Richard Grove and Jan Irwing have gone into this and shown that it most likely is another form of new age / “science” BS. Concerning the “holographic universe”, I haven’t done my homework yet, but honestly have my doubts as well.

Since I don’t buy into these three concepts (at least for the time being) which seem to be important foundations of Davis Icke’s work, I have to take whatever he is proposing with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, he’s surely one of the greatest inspirations and “de-occulters” of them all out there in the “truth movement” (or however we wanna call the like of us).

Has anyone confronted people like DI, JM, MP or SB with the concave earth theory as so thoroughly elaborated in here? Since (at least in this field) I HAVE done my homework, it would be a great litmus test how these people react to this theory. If they dismiss it without really going into it and disproving it, I’d say they are not for real.

2014/07/07 at 7:57 am
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Icecoldsun.
I’m not sure about holographic universe either as I haven’t looked into it.

With the emotions theory, all emotions good and bad could be a product as long as nothing stays stagnant.

DI ultimately just flitters with ideas he has read about IMO. I don’t know who SB, JM or MP are.

2014/07/07 at 2:14 pm

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visitors. I know how to help you, just type in google – k2 seo tips and tricks

2014/07/10 at 12:58 am
    Lord Steven Christ

Remember my Dark Matter = Dark Water video?…

Well gee lookie here, those spiral galaxies are merging together like two swirls in ma sink! 😛

“Scientists say the stars formed similarly to the way rain falls in droplets instead of strings of water coming from the sky”

Why are people so retarded?

Watch video of good ole Hubbie Bubbie…

2014/07/12 at 3:34 pm
In reply to Lord Steven Christ.
Well Steve, we know the Hubble Bubble Hookah Pipe is an opium dream and a media fake so cannot be appealed to apart from that.
Otherwise i have no problem with a water “dark matter” or aether.

2014/07/12 at 10:30 pm
    Lord Steven Christ

NASA Scientist Richard Cohen calls me back! Good convo! I mention your web page too. …

2014/07/13 at 10:14 pm
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
I got some free time and this is the result:

2014/07/17 at 6:34 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to OneOfTheSheeple.
I’m not sure about installing something on my computer though. Is it an animation?

2014/07/17 at 7:23 pm
my full Concave Earth Theory (on russian, use google translate)
you find all answers
in the history so

2014/07/17 at 9:20 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Sasha.
Sasha, thanks a million for this. Great to see the Russians are working on this too. 🙂

2014/07/17 at 9:33 pm
In reply to Wild Heretic.
It is just one picture with some music.
Trying to understand why the horizon is a perfect line.

No need to install anything,it is a mp4 (audio+video) file.

2014/07/18 at 9:40 am
    Marc Tiltman

Two very long plumblines in a mine shaft, both made of metal, does not matter whether they are steel or bronze
This is the reason why they are further apart at the bottom.

The Earth’s magnetic field induces a like charge in both lines, they repel each other.

The lensing effect where the Earth appears bowl shaped, is due to the lens itself or the very thick circular viewers window causing the horizons to appear higher than what is below.
The visor of a space helmet could do this too because it is smooth reflective, and bowl shaped!

Rectilineator; the Earth’s curvature was always going to give false readings with this apparatus.

If the Earth was concave, I should be able to prove or disprove this by simply pointing a telescope up at the sky.

2014/07/18 at 4:07 pm
In reply to Sasha.
thank you Sasha!

Time to refresh my russian 🙂

2014/07/18 at 6:19 pm
    Wild Heretic
In reply to Marc Tiltman.
Two very long plumblines in a mine shaft, both made of metal, does not matter whether they are steel or bronze
This is the reason why they are further apart at the bottom.

The Earth’s magnetic field induces a like charge in both lines, they repel each other.

Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not overawed with the Tamarack data myself anyway. I don’t think the center of gravity is a point, but rather a line. I’ll explain in the next article.

The lensing effect where the Earth appears bowl shaped, is due to the lens itself or the very thick circular viewers window causing the horizons to appear higher than what is below.

Maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t explain the Earth looking concave from a hot air balloon. I don’t find how the Earth looks to be good evidence either way.

Rectilineator; the Earth’s curvature was always going to give false readings with this apparatus.

Opinion. Explain. I did. I found nothing wrong with it except that it hasn’t been repeated.

If the Earth was concave, I should be able to prove or disprove this by simply pointing a telescope up at the sky.

Unless light bends in an electrified Earth cavity acting as a hollow state semiconductor (hint), which I’ve found out has been demonstrated in the micro and the macro. Will explain in the next article.

You’ll all have to be patient.

2014/07/18 at 6:30 pm

A most interesting video showing the the Binocular/zoom effect at sea on the Horizon.
Notice at around 46 to 51 seconds the ship way beyond the horizon from the object ship. The Canon SX50 with a 50X optical zoom seems a great buy at under £250 on eBay BTW i hope to buy one soon but the same effects can be seem with far cheaper and less powerful Binoculars, but you can’t record video alas on those.
See it for yourself with a £30 set Binoculars on the horizon at the Coast, often better than mono high powered Zoom cameras as the image is in 3D though both take away the mirage of bending light and the Ocean seems like a basin where you are looking “up” to see things in the distance, and middle distance seems to be in a basin in the images.
See it for yourselves next time you visit the Coast with either a decent optical zoom camera or Binoculars. Digital zooming does not work for obvious reasons.
I have seen Wales from 75 miles away from Mother Iveys bay in Cornwall with a pair of 8X40 Binoculars which would mean even the Coast of Wales must be at least 4000 feet high which it is not. Snowden is the Highest in Wales at Wales at approx 3500 feet which is over 180 miles away from Mother Iveys Bay as the Crow flies.
Nothing no one can’t prove for themselves.